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Our offer

Learning Dutch is more than perfecting your pronunciation of 'g', it's about getting to know a new way of thinking and dreaming - you're not just widening your palate, but your view too.

Lingo Amsterdam is convinced that learning Dutch can be fun, engaging and immensely interesting. Whether you're motivated to tell jokes in fluent Dutch, do some serious negotiations, or you want to be able to order a kopstootje in a brown bar, Lingo Amsterdam will show you the way.

Find out which course matches your goals.

In-company course Dutch

Learning the local language can help ground your employees in the Netherlands. From beginner's courses to advanced, Lingo  Amsterdam helps your colleagues to learn Dutch with our in-company courses Dutch - online or at the office. 

Learning Dutch with your friends might be even more fun than learning Dutch at all. Private group lessons Dutch offer you just that. Dive into Dutch!

In-company Taalcafé Dutch

The Lingo Amsterdam Dutch Taalcafé is an informal in-company get-together to practice your Dutch language skills  with colleagues in an accessible and enjoyable way, focussing on interaction and learning by doing. 

1:1 Private tutor Dutch

A private tutor Dutch can help you to learn the language in a way that suits your personal learning preferences. Be it music, hardcore grammar class or linguistic city outings: start learning.

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